Monday 7 April 2014

FINAL BLOG POST: Graduate Skills & Reflection

The deadline is finally here. I signed up for a work placement with Ninja Tune to engage in street team promotion. Setting up posters, handing out flyers, approaching people and spreading the word out in public about artists and events are the kind of activities I was interested in doing. This would have ticked the boxes for what I was hoping to achieve during this module, however it was not until today that I was invited to join the street team in a poster campaign.

Nonetheless, I have fully engaged with the online promotion, learning as much as possible about viral online marketing and meeting the demands of the label representatives. I have shown enthusiasm, attempted to gain as much exposure for KELIS & Mr Scruff.

This final blog post will be an account of what I have learnt, how valuable the experience was, and what abilities or skills of mine have been improved or tested.

Written Communication 

Because this placement has consisted of online work, I have displayed competence with written communication. I have regularly liaise with representatives of the promotional team via email; keeping contact to maintain a steady flow of work is sent to me, checking for any news regarding street team work and ensuring I am fulfilling goals and meeting their standards as well as requesting assistance or advice when necessary. As a result of clear and coherent communication through formal email I was able to understand and complete any work that was desired by the representative.

Initiative, Analysing & Problem Solving 

I was able to identify some issues with the placement when expressing my interest in street team work early on. Several times I requested work in this field and was informed there was none, as a result I was able to use my initiative to produce alternative ways to meet the demands of the module criteria. This involved regularly checking up for further information regarding street team work as well as attaining other ways to achieve the desired goals.

Personal Planning & Organisation

I set personal targets setting up useful blog and social media pages and constructed them tailored for promotion. I then conducted at least five promotional spots for campaign, returning to update and expand on their success and always capturing evidence with screen shots to report back to NJ promotions. These efforts began small and simple, basically sharing links with little or no response. As a result I began to dedicate more time, adding text with captions or images to entice viewers and making the spot more appealing. Pooling together help from others by sharing the links and raising awareness I was able to greatly expand the number of viewers and exposure. By monitoring progress and assessing which methods where more effective and which less, it was not before I was able to determine the best approach to carrying out Ninja Tune requests.


While the physical work is yet to come (which will entail more personal planning with devising the best poster locations  and verbal communication) I have managed to practice and improve my written communication with the staff and representatives at the record label as well as potential fans, solve issues such as over-coming the underwhelming amount of work on offer by making the most of the online campaigns and planning a strategy to meet both Ninja Tune and course module requirements.

The placement will continue after the submission of the blog and the most hands-on and demanding aspects of which will be covered in the essay once it is complete.

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