Sunday 30 March 2014

Trying To Improve

After several days of being briefed on artists, releases or events to promote I have some back-log of work to update. While no innovative ways of spreading the news has been identified by me I have  continued to spread the word via social media as best as possible, using the tools and advice offered by the Ninja Tune I have made an honest attempt to help them in their online viral marketing strategy. This has included:

Producer, painter and a key member of Brainfeeder TEEBS

The new single from KELIS 'Rumble' 

The 'Rumble' Single remix by BREACH 

KELIS 'Runnin' track remix from the upcoming album FOOD

As I continue to for fill Ninja Tune requests I am learning more about the importance of these promotional campaigns for artists or labels on indie labels. While the artist freedom is an obvious drawing point for any serious musician who also needs assistance with exposure these online link sharing methods are simple and cost nothing yet extremely beneficial and affective.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Online Work Update...

Since the last post about my first attempt with working for Mr Scruff's promotion team, I have had several more opportunities from Ninja Tune continue assisting them in their online efforts at spreading the news. 

The responses, likes and shares are slowly gaining traction and I am beginning to draw in a wider pool of resources, including asking friends for assistance, posting youtube links, and embedding links to posts for easier access. This started with Mr Scruff. My efforts here have been print screened and sent to the promotion team. 

The next wave of online promotion will begin shortly now that I have recieved more updates from Sami. I will continue to exercise these practices with future artists while experimenting to find other more possibly effective methods and will update with more information once I have completed the next round campaigning and can report on their success!

Wednesday 26 March 2014

First Artist: Mr Scruff

So this was my first opportunity to do a bit of work for Ninja Tune. It involves spreading the news about the announcement of longer time member Mr Scruff's brand new single 'Render Me'!

By creating a variety of social media pages (facebook, blogger, twitter, google+, pinterest etc...)  posting the news, sharing the link with friends and using tools such 'hashtagging' I have been able spread the word about this new single in the hope to boost views and hopefully get it trending!

The email's instructions and advice lists:

"[1] sharing only the link I have provided  ( on your Facebook pages.

[2] Sharing the link I provided above with your friends, any groups that you are in or on a page that you manage. (mostly Facebook!)

[3] Sharing the link above on your Twitter accounts.

[4] Sharing the link I provided above across any other platforms that you might use such as Google+Pinterest, etc along with any forums or online groups that you are a part of.

Remember to take screenshots of the link up and send them back to me... We normally ask for a minimum of 5 screenshot."

This is obviously the minimum effort required, however practice makes perfect and in future with a little research into online marketing and more dedication I should be able to have more impact!


As this placement will solely consist of online based work, this blog entry will explain the process for how members of the Ninja Tune promo team spread the word about artists on the roster and keep fans up to date with the latest news and releases. As indie labels do not have the financial backing for major distribution of new singles or artist updates, social media is utilised into an affective tool for viral marketing. 

An online campaign can begin at any time, it starts with an email alert from head of the promotion team Sami Forinette providing a few short paragraphs about the artist, the links an images to be shared and instructions for how to do so and report back with evidence of your efforts.

(example email)

From here on it is down the to individual to use their imagination and get creative when it comes to discovering the best way to gain exposure, and use social media to it’s full potential! 

Blog Entry Two


Well, as I said in my previous entry my placement with Ninja Tune was to include both online and street campaigns for their artists. However, after several requests via email to the promotions team for more involvement in distribution of flyers, posters and general participation in street team activity I was informed that there are currently no campaigns and that there only “may be a sticker campaign in several weeks”. 

As a result I have had to stick to online promotion, advertising, sharing links and raising awareness for artists or up coming releases. This started several weeks back and so the next several entries will be back-logs of my promotion for Ninja Tunes. 

To flesh out this work experience module, the remaining entries will be discussions about what I have learned regarding the value of social media as a promotional tool and general research into marketing and promotion.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Blog Entry ONE

Hello and welcome to my blog!

This space will be used to keep track of and update relevant information to my WBL work experience.

For this module I've been recruited to the promotions team for the independent record label Ninja Tune (based in London). This will consist of both online and street promotion, including the sharing of artists or events across social media and distributing flyers, stickers and posters to help them gain exposure.

Founded by DJ Matt Black and Jonathan More in 1990, Ninja Tune was visionary project created as a way for electronic DJs and musicians to retain creative control over their music, with no interference from major label demands. Since then it has grown into a national movement, signing artists from a diverse variety of genres and styles, becoming an excellent and professional output for unsigned artists across the UK. The label’s current roster includes; The Cinematic Orchestra, Amon Tobin, Bonobo, Mr Scruff, Jaga Jazzist, Fink, Kid Koala, The Bug, Machinedrum, Dorian Concept and distribution for Big Dada, Flying Lotus, Werkdiscs, Actress and Toddla T.

Being part of the street team is a unique opportunity to gain insight into how indie labels utilise various tools at their disposal (often over looked by major record labels) to keep an edge over or rise to a level able of matching major label mass marketing. Major labels have the funds to invest in global mass mainstream marketing campaigns, and independent labels often do not have the capabilities to compete in such a manner. And so they have taken advantage of social media, viral marketing, and forming street teams. Offering rewards for recruits’ efforts and even the possibility of internships, all for the promotion and exposure of their artists.

By being on board and communicating with members in charge of Ninja Tune promotion I will not only have the chance to carry out work experience in a field that I enjoy but will also witness and learn the various methods employed by them. This blog will not only keep track of my working activities but as an account of the learning experience and how I have benefited from this module.