Wednesday 26 March 2014

First Artist: Mr Scruff

So this was my first opportunity to do a bit of work for Ninja Tune. It involves spreading the news about the announcement of longer time member Mr Scruff's brand new single 'Render Me'!

By creating a variety of social media pages (facebook, blogger, twitter, google+, pinterest etc...)  posting the news, sharing the link with friends and using tools such 'hashtagging' I have been able spread the word about this new single in the hope to boost views and hopefully get it trending!

The email's instructions and advice lists:

"[1] sharing only the link I have provided  ( on your Facebook pages.

[2] Sharing the link I provided above with your friends, any groups that you are in or on a page that you manage. (mostly Facebook!)

[3] Sharing the link above on your Twitter accounts.

[4] Sharing the link I provided above across any other platforms that you might use such as Google+Pinterest, etc along with any forums or online groups that you are a part of.

Remember to take screenshots of the link up and send them back to me... We normally ask for a minimum of 5 screenshot."

This is obviously the minimum effort required, however practice makes perfect and in future with a little research into online marketing and more dedication I should be able to have more impact!

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